HTC Nexus 9 will be offered by O2 UK starting on Monday

This coming Monday, on January 19, the HTC-made Nexus 9 tablet will become available at O2 UK. Obviously you've been able to pick up a contract-free Nexus 9 for a while now, but if instead you wanted to get it with a data plan from an operator, then this surely is for you.
You'll be able to purchase the Nexus 9 for as low as £29.99. To do that, you'll need to pick a plan that offers you 3GB of data each month and costs £32. If you're feeling generous (towards O2, that is), then you can go for a higher data allotment, all the way up to 8GB per month.
This does mean you'll pay more, as you may have expected. There are intermediary options too, of course, a myriad of different contracts - one to suit every taste, it would seem (except if you need more than 8GB each month).
The Nexus 9 will be offered by O2 on its Refresh tariff. That means that you'll be able to upgrade the device before the end of your contract if you pay off its remaining value. This somewhat mitigates one of the problems of such long-terms contracts with operators, allowing you to switch hardware when you get bored (or when the next Nexus tablet hits the market).
It's still unclear which color versions O2 will have in stock. The Nexus 9 comes in three variants - black, white, and sand - the last of which only went on sale a few days ago. We'll find out on Monday though.
If you have an older device around that you don't use anymore, then you can turn that in for O2 to recycle. And if you do that, you can receive a small price reduction for the Nexus 9.

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Its SS Verma , From MNIT Jaipur
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